Why does ExpoSolar Colombia Organize a Virtual Fair?
There is an essential reason: Expo Solar Colombia is calling on all companies in the solar energy and other renewables sector for this period of global economic recession, does not affect the achievements obtained over several years with a good positioning of renewable energies, for which we must convert the work teams into collective co-creation teams, experts in work reengineering, competent to design strategies able to position solar energy in its rightful place as a leader in a sustainable society and to that extent we want to promote this new tool for virtual fairs as an alternative to the absence of the face-to-face fair.
Taking into account that trade fairs are considered worldwide as the best relationship strategy between manufacturers and other businessmen in the value chain and end customers, and that These events must be carried out periodically in order to deliver the latest technological developments to the market, we cannot allow eventualities such as the coronavirus to slow down or prevent such dynamics, thus resorting to this new proven technological tool that is universally used as an excellent means marketing and interactive relationship that allows B2B, B2C meetings, group meetings and training events, thus solving the limitations imposed by mandatory and preventive isolation measures today. Here are two reasons that will help you make the decision to participate in Virtual Solar Expo 2020.
- The preventive measures that have been adopted in many countries as a result of the coronavirus of not allowing the realization of face-to-face events that gather more than fifty people during the remaining period of the year 2020, makes us find in the technological developments of communications a vital alternative as a tool for meeting and mass relations that allows to supply the dynamics of face-to-face fairs, avoiding stopping the dynamics of business development offered by Expo Solar Colombia every year by allowing the entire chain of value of solar energy and other renewables internationally, and thus continue to be the hub of renewable energy businesses for all of Latin America and the Caribbean.
- The technological development of telecommunications has become the spearhead in practically all areas of business development: Administrative, operational, technical, human management, communication, accounting, marketing , and therefore all members of the business team are connected in one way or another using these tools virtual technologies on a daily basis and that daily experience is what we have to potentiate and systematize to make Expo Solar virtual 2020, the best marketing option to print added value to your brand and business model.
ExpoSolar Colombia Virtual 2020 as a relationship platform
From the beginning in Expo Solar Colombia we have aimed at creating an economic zone for the Latin American and Caribbean region that functions as a great market, where collaboratively through a network of representations and marketers all the inventions, developments, patents, training and achievements obtained in any of the links of the productive chain of solar energy and other renewables of the companies of the region.
We see this project as very viable if we manage to create a synergy between the businessmen of the sector, the renewable energy associations of each country, the embassies through their commercial attachés and Expo Solar Colombia with other events in the region such as meeting and relationship platforms to promote entrepreneurship and scientific and technological developments for entrepreneurs, thus achieving the strengthening of new companies and an unprecedented generation of employment.
The possibilities offered by this first version of Expo Solar Colombia Virtual 2020 increases all the possibilities of encounters for these inventives, to the extent that their Managers will not have to invest in transportation, accommodation and protocol expenses, but rather, they will be just a click away from their business pair.